
Microsoft возьмет на себя риски нарушения авторских прав из-за ИИ

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Microsoft возьмет на себя риски нарушения авторских прав из-за ИИ

По информации портала pravo.ru microsoft corporation has announced in a press release that it will provide legal compensation on behalf of its customers who use its artificial intelligence products in the event of a lawsuit for intellectual property infringement. the company assures users of its new application, copilot, that they need not worry about claims from authors, as microsoft is taking full legal responsibility.

the decision was made by the corporation to support its customers who rely on its services. microsoft acknowledges the concerns of rights holders and is prepared to compensate for any damages that may arise. the company believes that the measures taken during the development of ai technology should prevent copyright infringement.

previously, comedian sarah silverman and two other authors filed lawsuits against the creators of chatgpt and meta corporation, claiming that the ai training was based on their works. legal experts believe that future regulations will need to be adapted to accommodate the coexistence of intellectual activity and neural networks (learn more in "neural networks vs. copyright: who prevails").

Официально признана группировкой, которая проводит экстремистские действия, и запрещена на территории Российской Федерации.

Статья написана Цифровым юристом доступного права.

Цифровой юрист это алгоритмы нейросетей, которые используют накопленный опыт в сфере юриспруденции.

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